Bible Concordances

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  • KJV New Strong's Concise Concordance of the Bible, Paperback
    If you want the essentials of Strong's scholarship in a convenient compact size, this is the concordance for you. The New Strong's Concise Concordance of the Bible helps you locate the references you need quickly and easily. A trustworthy concordance that won't slow you down.
    NZ$ 83.95 item
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  • Smith's Bible Dictionary, Hard Cover
    A classic reference, this comprehensive Bible dictionary provides a wealth of basic background information in a very affordable format.
    NZ$ 54.95 item
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  • Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Large Print, Hardcover
    Larger print edition. The most accurate and complete Strong's ever published, the only Strong's compiled and verified by computer technology, the only truly exhaustive concordance to the KJV, and includes the most up-to-date Hebrew and Greek dictionaries for precise word studies.
    NZ$ 93.95 item
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  • Strong's Compact Bible Concordance Paperback
    The power and classic features of Nelson's New Strong's in a concise and compact edition Nelson's Compact Bible Concordance helps you access the references you need quickly and easily.
    NZ$ 34.95 item
    Ships from USA