The spiritual journey takes unexpected turns for the women of Sensible Shoes in this third book of the series. Having been challenged to persevere in hope, can they now embrace the joy of complete surrender?
The spiritual journey takes unexpected turns for the women of Sensible Shoes in this third book of the series. Having been challenged to persevere in hope, can they now embrace the joy of complete surrender? Join these four women in a poignant story that reveals the joy that comes from laying our lives at the feet of God and standing barefoot on holy ground.
EAN: 9780830843213
ISBN: 0830843213
Publisher: IVP Books
Author: Brown, Sharon Garlough
Binding: Paperback
Dimensions: 2.79 cms H x 20.83 cms L x 13.97 cms W (0.43 kgs) 368 pages
Pub Date: 11/01/2016
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