Easier To Read and Highly Portable!
This NIV Larger Print Bible has the best of all worlds - a highly portable size, a larger, very readable, 10 point type that makes for comfortable reading without straining, and the #1 selling New International Version (NIV) translation. It is sure to become a favorite ministry Bible for prison, street and homeless ministry, and nursing home outreaches. Ideal for a child who’s beginning to read, an elderly loved one, or anyone who appreciates a larger text size than most Outreach Bibles, in a two column per page format.
EAN: 9781563207211
ISBN-10: 1563207214
Format: Paperback
Font Size: 10 pt (large print)
Publisher: Biblica
Pub Date: January 06, 2015
Dimensions: 4.06 x 21.34 x 13.97 cms, 0.59 kgs, 1260 pages
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