You study the Bible to connect with God's heart. The NLT Study Bible gives you the tools you need to enter the world of the Bible so you can do just that.
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"For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened." --Matthew 7:8
Sometimes, even when the language is clear, we have questions. What is going on? Why did that happen? Why does this matter?
The NLT Study Bible translates both the words and the world of the Bible. The New Living Translation makes the message clear. The features of the NLT Study Bible bring the world of the Bible to life so that the meaning and significance of its message shine through.
- 300+ theme articles identify and explore the major topics and ideas of the Bible.
- 25,000+ study and textual notes provide background and deeper explanations of words, phrases, verses, and sections.
- 85 introductory articles set the stage for each major section, book, and time period, including the intertestamental period, the time after the apostles, and a harmony of the Gospels.
- 220+ charts, illustrations, maps, and timelines organize and illuminate important information.
- 200 Greek and Hebrew word studies trace the use of important words throughout the Bible.
- 90+ profiles paint portraits of major figures in the Bible--good and bad.
- 50,000+ cross-references connect related verses.
- Words of Christ in red
EAN: 9781496445438
ISBN: 1496445430
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Author: Tyndale
Binding: Cloth
Dimensions: 5.33 cms H x 26.92 cms L x 19.05 cms W (1.97 kgs) 2416 pages
Pub Date: 11/03/2020
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